Eradicating Hunger and Malnutrition
Malnutrition is the term for lacking nourishment in your diet in either the form of deficiencies or imbalances in the intake of nutrients and/or energy. The form of malnutrition that Momentum Trust (MT) is working with is “undernutrition”. This term includes stunting (low height for age), wasting (low weight for height), underweight (low weight for age) as well as a lack of life essential vitamins and minerals (micronutrient deficiencies and insufficiencies), (WHO, 2020).
Momentum Trust wants to be the first mover in collaborating and building trustful relationships with the Kenyan farmers working towards global health equality. Right now more than half of the morbidity and mortality cases among children in Kenya are as a result of micronutrient deficiencies. A poor nutrition status leaves one more exposed to infectious diseases and is therefore a serious life threat. This is where MT wants to make a difference by providing Kenyan farmers with seeds to grow nutritious food crops and by teaching them ways to implement these crops in their everyday diet to ensure that they and their children have a diet high in essential minerals and vitamins.
To achieve national food security and sufficiency through a better food production in the rural areas of Kenya, a focus is set on growing nutritious, resistant, traditional food crops like sorghum, millet, sweet potatoes, peas, amaranth, mung beans, and chia.
Food and Profit
Momentum’s work is manifested in nutritional food and profit for the farmers. Only through food can the farmers and their families survive, and through the profit from selling their crops the farmers can invest in the future of the family.
As our farmers always say. Everything starts with food. With no food in the stomach how can you provide for the family?
Growing together
Momentum provides a simple and sustainable strategy for eradicating hunger and malnutrition in Africa. At the core of our work is to gain the trust to the farmers and working in a partnership. When you have trust to each other long-term impact can be created.